Ma Yongming, Secretary of the Party Working Committee and Director of the Management Committee of the Petrochemical Park in Songyuan City, Jilin Province, Visited Zhejiang Jinfei Kaida Wheel Hub Co., Ltd. for Inspection and exchange
Sort:COMPANY NEWS   Time:2023-5-11 15:54:01

  On the morning of February 28th, Ma Yongming, Secretary of the Party Working Committee and Director of the Management Committee of the Petrochemical Park in Songyuan City, Jilin Province, and Wu Yanduo, Chief Engineer of the Songyuan Industry and Information Technology Bureau, visited Zhejiang Jinfei Kaida Wheel Hub Co., Ltd. for inspection and exchange. Guo Weigu, Member of the Party Committee and Deputy Director of the Municipal Economic and Information Technology Bureau, and Yu Xinqian, Director of the Equipment and Green Manufacturing Department of the Municipal Economic and Information Technology Bureau, accompanied the inspection. Zhang Jianquan, President of Jinfei Kaida Company, received the entire reception.

Ma Yongming and his delegation visited the Jinfei Kaida Automobile Wheel Intelligent Factory. This project extensively utilizes advanced manufacturing and information technology, achieving equipment digitization, process digitization, and operation digitization through machine replacement, improving production efficiency and management efficiency. In the future, Jinfei will continue to deeply cultivate the manufacturing industry, use intelligence and digitization to support high-quality development of enterprises, and create more future factories within the group.

Subsequently, both parties had a discussion in the conference room. Mr. Zhang welcomed the arrival of Ma Yongming and his delegation, and introduced the development process and current industrial layout of Jinfei Group. Ma Yongming pointed out that Jilin Province and Zhejiang Province are counterpart cooperation provinces, and Jilin Songyuan Petrochemical Park also has certain cost and market advantages. He hopes to have the opportunity to establish friendly cooperation with Jinfei in the future and jointly promote the high-quality development of the Jilin Zhejiang economy.


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